About GruntWorks Junk Removal and Demolition

At GruntWorks Junk Removal and Demolition, we hold deep reverence for the courageous men and women who proudly carry the moniker 'Grunt' in service to our nation. While the origins of this term, whether from WWII or Vietnam, remain a subject of debate, its endearing significance is indisputable. Major H.G. Duncan's poignant portrayal immortalizes these individuals as stalwart guardians, enduring the rigors of duty to protect our liberties for generations.

In their honor, we embrace the core values of Customers, Community, and Comradery, embodying their legacy of sacrifice and selflessness. Whether you wore a uniform or not, we recognize that the spirit of the 'Grunt' extends beyond military service; it encompasses anyone who embraces an unpleasantness or what Grunts call, 'the suck' , for their fellow man.

We invite you to join our GruntWorks community as we pay tribute to their extraordinary dedication and valor. As Major H.G. Duncan eloquently put it, a 'Grunt' is 'a term of affection used to denote that filthy, sweaty, dirt-encrusted, footsore, camouflage-painted, tired, sleepy, beautiful little son of a b*tch who has kept the wolf away from the door for over two hundred years.

Contact us.

Fill out the form to contact Grunt Works Junk Removal & Demolition

or Call: 414-41-GRUNT

Text: 414-333-1927